Who's Doctor K?


I am Doctor K. No! Not a doctor yet! I am still a medical student, a to-be doc. Yeah, the kind of nerd you’d imagine! I do wear thick black goggles and most of my time I’m into studying my textbooks­, more than an average bloke you’d know around you! When I decide to spend time on myself, I do chill around, escape to newer places-alone, have truckloads of friends to roam around with, and then when I get extra­­-extra time after all this, I write.

What do I write about? It’s generally serious stuff- things that upset me or things I think about a lot. It’s funnier when I am in jolly good mood! Take your pick! Mostly, it’s poetry. This blog is meant to share my life, my mind, my thoughts and somewhere, my craziness with you. My life- it’s a bit different from yours, I am sure. My college is more of a school- a very strict school! Despite all the cruelty they mete out on us, we still manage to stay sane, I wonder how! One year has passed, and I am alive­- yeah, a bit of exaggeration here! So what! So, I thought let’s celebrate in the form of this blog!

Stay tuned, I am Doctor K for you!

Like me on facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/TheDoctorK

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