
We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

Killer’re our heels
Wicke' winks at the boys
Singing super songs
Merriment prolongs!

Hey! We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

We hang around
Cool in the lounge
We pick our sticks
And flick out the sick!

Say! We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

We don’t sulk
And we never fight
Poor all you gfs 
We DO empathize!

Sigh! We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

One to the tangy Two
Two OH to the sexy Six
Don’t be mo-moron
Don’t count the ticks!

Tock!? We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

Gossip and tongue slip
She's gotta hickey-on-the-neck-Shit!
Girls, sleepover tonight?
Make-up & pillow fight?

Rogue! We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

Decent! We ride a horse
Hot! We strike the pose
Pierced’r our brow
Ouch,don’t be so slow!

Dare! We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

We heard, your bf
Has got a glad eye?!
Leave it to us baby
We’ll box it black, fine?

Lol! We’re the singles
The no-never-mingles
We live ‘The’ life
Boyfriends? Ahoy!

In the Hindsight: I'm celebrating Singleton / Singledom / Singlehood / Singularity or whatever the word that suggests intelligence is! I am in love with it for sure!!


  1. I read this a long time ago. Hits home, hits real hard. On a serious note, you should try to be 'not-single' at some point in your life. I know, I know, what you'd say is what every single person says. Yes, it might get frustrating at some point, but its real'fun' sometimes. Haha. Feel me?

  2. Yeah! I would definitely want to be in a committed relationship. It's a healthy, beautiful feeling to be in one.
