The Lemon Tree

Theme: When the world ends, only love will survive. Rest everything-will perish.
(A popular piece I wrote for my previous blog. Read with patience. You'd love each word.)

Solitary Lovers
Hath Survived
Beneath the Lemon Tree…

What happened was-
A story told
Once upon a time, in the spell of cold…

Raining bliss
Showering beauty
Rose above- a pious dream…

Soured shadows
Teared the tacit trance
And ceased to hear-the sounds of bare feet…

Beneath heavens
The black coal glowed
Blushed amok with passionate zeal…

Shy, surreal
The silent sounds
Echoed amongst the dust,in the dusky dawn…

Luscious locks
Limbered down to kiss
The nape, the neck and entrusted…

All is fine
Until the kind God decided
To let the moment stay eternal…

Forever!... He wished
The Love stays perpetual!
Kill despondency! Doth not there be despair!

The clouds roared
Intensity seized and
Appeared instantly The fury--The furor!

The earth unbolted
And swallowed itself
It’s parts and it's whole…

None to see!
None to hear!
Hath the Catastrophe been foretold…

Now, there’s none to harvest
None to reap the gold
Futile-the magma of the crust upturned…

That which is left
Is the Lemon Tree
Hath saved the Lovers from misery…

The calamity engulfed 
Greed and vice
Left Love! Only Love survived…

Thou Lemon Tree
Grows far and wide
New world it creates- content and polite…

Thou Lemon Tree
Is now aged and old
But the roots stay- Strong and Bold…!

Grows the growth
Of The Human Soul
Of the Immortal Creature- which is Love- I’m told!

Grows the growth
Of The Human Soul
Of the Immortal Creature- which is Love- I’m told!

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