The Silent Tear

This poem is on the journey of a tear. This single drop has a life and its end. And it's happy after having spent its life in the comfort of the eyes and now it slowly begins its journey towards its end, missing its home-the eyes.

A Tear has been flowing

Down against my cheek.
My core has been crying, 
It's dark now, let me weep. 

The solitary saline tear.

Appears- though from nowhere 
Trickles down, just near 
Beside the lock of my lips. 

The lucid n clear drop 

Is Spirited with green glisten 
It Slavers down over my maw, 
It tastes sweet yet’s not sweet!

The drop descends down beneath, 

Silently as though in a dream. 
Creating chaos within me,
It’s Silent, yet not calm!

The tear mounts over my chin, 

Quiet, silent and still. 
It waits a while limping 
And dreaming its last part. 

The tear now wallows,
In its long lost past. 
Consoling itself with a sweet memory- 
Joy it had in the eye it once dwelled in.. :) 

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a Coldplay song:
    "Every siren is a symphony, Every tear is a waterfall".
